News and Events

Waitlist for 2025 Traffic Crash Reconstruction

Reconstruction Waitlist

2025 Advanced Traffic Crash Reconstruction

Advanced Traffic Crash Reconstruction

2025 sUAS for Crash Investigation Professionals

sUAS for Crash Investigation Professionals

Upcoming Meetings

Executive Committee

December 03, 2024

Working Group


Previous Meetings

Executive Committee

September 17, 2024

Working Group

March 18, 2019


The Louisiana Traffic Records Coordinating Committee is a group of safety organizations that coordinates the advancement of Traffic Records data systems for all stakeholders to support decision making, improve traffic safety, and save lives. The TRCC works to ensure that timely, accurate, complete, uniform, integrated, and accessible traffic safety data are collected, analyzed, and made available to stakeholders that need the information.

Mission Statement

Through the coordinated efforts of its stakeholders, the Louisiana Traffic Records Coordinating Committee’s mission is to provide a forum for the creation, implementation, and management of a traffic safety information system that offers timely, accurate, complete, uniform, integrated, and accessible traffic safety data to its stakeholders to support decision-making, which will improve traffic safety and save lives.

LA TRCC Purpose 

The TRCC works to ensure that timely, accurate, complete, uniform, integrated, and accessible traffic safety data are collected, analyzed, and made available to stakeholders that need the information.

Meeting on a quarterly basis, the LA TRCC brings different State agencies together in an effort to improve data collection and reporting of information. Using a team approach, the LA TRCC expresses a uniform message about the importance of building and strengthening traffic safety data throughout the State of Louisiana.

Executive Committee - Members

Agency Traffic Records System Represented Member
Traffic Records Coordinating Committee TRCC Karla Houston, TRCC Program Manager
Louisiana Highway Safety Commission TRCC Dortha Cummins, TRCC Chair, Deputy Director
Louisiana Emergency Response Network Injury Surveillance System Paige Hargrove, Executive Director
Center for Analytics & Research in Transportation Safety Crash System Cory Hutchinson, Ph.D., Director
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (Non-Voting Member) Federal Partner William Norris, Division Administrator
Federal Highway Administration (Non-Voting Member) Federal Partner Betsey Tramonte, Transportation Specialist- Safety
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (Non-Voting Member) Federal Partner Jonathan Weiner, Program Manager
Louisiana District Attorney's Association Citation/Adjudication System Joey LeBeau, IT Project Manager
Louisiana Supreme Court Citation/Adjudication System Brian Denzer, CMIS Data Analyst
Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development Roadway & Crash Systems Adriane McRae, P.E., TRCC Vice Chair
Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles Driver & Vehicle Systems Jill Jarreau, Administrator
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (Non-Voting Member) Federal Partner Frank Marrero, Regional Program Manager
Louisiana Office of Public Health Injury Surveillance System Lee Mendoza, Ph.D., Dir, Bureau of Health Informatics
Louisiana State Police Crash System Capt. Hiram Mason

Executive Committee - Meeting Dates


Date Location
January 31, 2024 Via Zoom
May 07, 2024 Virtual Meeting
September 17, 2024 TBD
December 03, 2024 TBD


Date Location
October 11, 2023 Via Zoom
March 29, 2023 Hilltop Arboretum, Baton Rouge


Date Location
February 15, 2022 Via Zoom
April 13, 2022 Hilltop Arboretum, Baton Rouge
May 17, 2022 Hilltop Arboretum, Baton Rouge
August 30, 2022 Hilltop Arboretum, Baton Rouge
December 07, 2022 Hilltop Arboretum, Baton Rouge


Date Location
February 23, 2021 Via Zoom
May 04, 2021 Via Zoom
August 24, 2021 Via Zoom
November 30, 2021 Via Zoom
December 02, 2021 Via Zoom
May 24, 2021 Via Zoom


Date Location
November 17, 2020 Via Zoom
August 25, 2020 Via Zoom
May 26, 2020 Via Zoom
February 04, 2020 Baton Rouge, LA


Date Location
March 08, 2019 LSU
May 07, 2019 Baton Rouge, LA
August 20, 2019 Baton Rouge, LA
November 12, 2019 Baton Rouge, LA


Date Location
August 28, 2018 LSU
May 15, 2018 LSU
March 02, 2018 LSU
November 27, 2018 LSU


Date Location
May 09, 2017 LSU
February 15, 2017 LSU
November 28, 2017 LSU
August 28, 2017 LSU


Date Location
August 02, 2016 LSU
May 10, 2016 LSU
February 16, 2016 LSU
November 15, 2016 LSU

Executive Committee - Presentations

Meeting Date Presentations (PDF)
December 06, 2022 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
August 30, 2022 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
May 17, 2022 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
March 30, 2022 TRCC Strategic Planning Workshop
February 15, 2022 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
December 02, 2021 TRCC Strategic Planning Meeting
November 30, 2021 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
August 24, 2021 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
May 24, 2021 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
May 04, 2021 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
February 23, 2021 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
November 17, 2020 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
August 25, 2020 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
May 26, 2020 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
February 04, 2020 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
November 05, 2019 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
May 07, 2019 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
March 08, 2019 TRCC Executive Committee Meeting
November 27, 2018 TRCC Executive Meeting

Technical Committee - Members

Agency Traffic Records System Represented Member
Traffic Records Coordinating Committee TRCC Karla Houston, TRCC Program Manager
Federal Highway Administration (Non-Voting Member) Federal Partner Betsey Tramonte, Transportation Specialist- Safety
Federal Highway Administration (Non Voting Member) Federal Partner John Broemmelsiek, ITS/Traffic Operations Engineer
Louisiana Emergency Response Network Injury Surveillance System Chris Hector, Administrative Director
Louisiana Highway Safety Commission TRCC Chuck Miller, Program Coordinator
Office of Motor Vehicles Driver System Robyn Temple, Reinstatement Section Manager
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (Non-Voting Member) Federal Partner Jonathan Weiner, Program Manager
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Crash System Ron Whittaker, Law Enforcement Expert
Louisiana District Attorney's Association Citation/Adjudication System Joey LeBeau, IT Project Manager
Louisiana State Police Crime Lab Crash, Driver, & Citation/Adjudication Systems Rebecca Chiasson, Chemistry Manager
Louisiana Supreme Court Citation/Adjudication System Brian Denzer, CMIS Data Analyst
Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development Roadway & Crash Systems Bryan Costello, P.E., Highway Safety Engineer
Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development Roadway & Crash Systems Adriane McRae, P.E., TRCC Vice Chair
Louisiana Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics Injury Devin George, State Registrar and Director
Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development Crash System Ralph Mitchell, Louisiana eCrash Chair
Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles Driver & Vehicle Systems Robyn Barron, Project Manager
Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles Vehicle System Lauren Debetaz, Vehicle Section Manager
Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles Driver System Trella Ragas, Driver’s License Section Manager
Louisiana Office of Public Health Injury Surveillance System Lee Mendoza, Ph.D., Dir, Bureau of Health Informatics
Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development Roadway System Jason Chapman, P.E., Administrator
Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development Roadway System Jessica DeVille, P.E., Highway Safety Assistant Admin.
Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development Roadway System Chad Parker, P.E., Highway Inventory/Data Collection
Bureau of Health Informatics Injury Surveillance System Arun Adhikari, Ph.D., Business Intelligence Manager
Office of Motor Vehicles Driver System Caitlin Boyd, Grant/Contract Reviewer
Center for Analytics & Research in Transportation Safety Crash System Mark Verret
Louisiana Highway Safety Commission All Systems Kristy Miller, Planner

Working Group - Meeting Dates


Date Location
February 12, 2019 LSU
March 18, 2019 Newington, CT


Date Location
December 11, 2018 Baton Rouge, LA

Working Group - Presentations

Meeting Date Presentations (PDF)

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives

The TRCC’s strategic goals over the next five years address the six core traffic records system components, and overall data use and integration.

Project examples include

The Goals of the TRCC are: 

  1. Improve the traffic information system and data governance.
  2. Produce the proper data to help develop better roads and create better drivers. 
  3. Utilize traffic records data to reduce the number of crashes and save lives
Tier One - Goals & Objectives

Goals and Objectives to be accomplished in FFY 2023

Project examples include

  1. Determine the feasibility of the crash/injury data linkage pilot project.
  2. Implement the new eCrash statewide to all law enforcement agencies and conduct appropriate training and education for the new eCrash System.
  3. Implement Strategic-focused TRCC meetings.
  4. Develop and implement performance measures for all records systems.
  5. Identify existing data availability and utilizing the data system deficiencies for the Traffic Records Data Inventory.
  6. Include TRCC participation in the Louisiana Traffic Records Data Report meeting.
Tier Two - Goals & Objectives

Goals and Objectives to be accomplished in FFY 2024-2026

Project examples include

  1. Utilize and maintain the Traffic Records Data Inventory.
  2. Establish the TRCC’s Data Governance processes.
  3. Identify key data elements across data systems and explore the feasibility of data linkages.
  4. Conduct traffic records gap analysis, develop, and implement a plan to close the identified gaps.
  5. Develop a process for data accessibility through identifying the data that key stakeholders want, determining if it is accessible, and providing the data in an accessible manner.
  6. Identify, implement and promote initiatives and projects that improve the timeliness, accuracy, completeness, uniformity, integration, and/or accessibility of the six-core data systems.
  7. Conduct traffic records stakeholder education.
  8. Identify and implement eCrash enhancements and real-time integrations.
Tier Three - Goals & Objectives

Goals and Objectives to be accomplished in FFY 2027

Project examples include

  1. Conduct data linkages and integrations across multiple traffic records systems.
  2. Close all feasible, identified traffic records gaps.
  3. Continue to implement data accessibility.
  4. Conduct traffic records stakeholder education.


Court Management Information System
  • Hosting TRCC Executive and Commitee meetings.
  • Hosting meetings to support the initiatives of the TRCC Strategic Plan.
  • Travel for TRCC personnel to attend Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and Association of Transportation Safety Information Professionals (ATSIP) Conferences.
EMS/Injury Surveillance Data Needs and System Integration
  • Developed multimedia iPad application and interactive website of Louisiana's Traffic Crash Report Manual. The ipad application can be found by search 'LATCRM' within iTunes and to access the interactive website visit
  • Initiating a Carsh Report Commitee to determine what additions/modifications to the current Louisiana Carsh Form and Manual, developed in 2005, are needed.
  • Completed Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) Mapping to identify data elements within the Louisiana Crash Report that meet or do not meet the minimum, standardized data set for describing motor vehicle crashes and the vehicles, persons and environment involved.
Electronic Citation
  • Initiated an eCitation Committee to help transition Louisiana law enforcement agencies from paper citations to electronic citations.
  • Distributing a survey to law enforcement to determinne TRCC eCitation action plan.
Improve Data Accessibility
  • Purchased computer hardware for EMS agencies to reporting data electronically.
  • Providing the Louisiana Emergency Response Network (LERN) funds with funds to hire an EMS Register. This person will be reponsible to traveling to the different EMS providers in the state and working with them to begin submitting their data electronically to LERN.
  • Hired a graduate student to meet with different state agencies to identify the different data systems, obstacles to data integration, and possible projects to integrate data elements
  • Provided funds to LA Ambulance Alliance to purchase laptops that were distruibuted to EMS providers to submit electronic data.
Improve Timeliness and Accuracy of Crash Data
  • Providing funds for courts to implement an electronic court management system to ensure accuracy, completeness, integration, timelines, uniformity, electronic submissions, and accessibility of traffic court data.
  • Providing funds for training sessions which highlight the benefits of electronically reporting traffic dispositions and review guidelines for reporting moving and non-moving traffic violations, DWI offenses, failing to appear, driver’s license suspensions due to failing to appear, driver’s license class, commercial driver’s license violations reporting time period, hit and run cases, commercial vehicle and hazard material case reporting, drivers improvement course (892.1), Article 893 and 894, and data error correction procedures.
Meeting and Conference Support for TRCC Related Initiatives
  • Help support DOTD projects to enhance the development of their roadway database.
  • Purchase hardware equipment to support websites, business intelligence projects, and geographical information system applications.
  • Enhance the existing accident reporting tools and trends webiste designed and maintained by the HSRG at LSU to ensure that site is user-friendly.
  • Hired graduate and undergraduate students to help develop and maintain websites, business intelligence projects, and geographical information system applications.
  • Developed GIS web portal for law enforcement agencies.
  • Administered surveys to obtain user feedback on the progress of data accessibility for crash data.
  • Supporting projects to add roadway data, EMS data from the Louisiana Emergency Response Network, and blood alcohol content (BAC) results from the LSP Crime Lab.
Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives
  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4
Traffic Crash Report Revision
  • Purchased computer hardware for multiple law enforcement agencies for reporting crash data electronically.
  • Purchased Wifi hotspots for law enforcement agencies.
  • Purchased crash data retrieval systems for law enforcement agencies to assist with retrieving critical crash data such as occupant restraint, braking, throttle position, and speed prior to a crash.
  • Purchased and distributed GPS devices (USB and handheld) to increase latitude and longitude coordinates received on crash reports.
  • Purchased and distributed card swipe devices to increase driver license information received on crash reports.
  • Supported a longitudinal pilot study to evaluate the effectiveness, accuracy, and timeliness of motorcycle officers collecting crash data information using paper crash reports and a digital pen. The crash data will then be electronically transmitted from the digital pen to the state's crash data.
  • Initiated a project to receive OMV data to help increase data accuracy by validating driver and occupant information supplied by law enforcement in their crash reports.
  • Hire graduate and undergraduate students to perform data audits on crash reporting information to help identify common problems.